This is the best way to completely awaken the hidden horsepower in your PX150 motor! The 177cc kit has much larger transfer ports than standard, increasing the cross sectional area available for the fuel mixture to move through by about a third. This, in combination with a completely re designed piston means there is much less drag on the motor while also releasing more available power. The new piston also has thinner 1mm rings which also reduces drag on the cylinder walls. This cylinder kit is made from cast iron which is more forgiving than aliminium if an engine failure should occur, however does not have the superior cooling properties of aluminium. The combination of the new piston and upgraded cylinder head also means a revised, higher compression ratio as well as a much better squish band creating a better mixture swirl within the chamber.
This kit should be fitted by an experienced fitment centre and should be combined with a larger diameter carburettor, a stronger clutch and an electronic ignition.